keeping up with changing ecologies through artistic research
based in Vienna (AT) / Berlin (DE)
open for collaboration
Academic Education
- diploma study program of Art&Science, University of Applied Arts | Vienna | 2021 - ongoing
- BSc in landscape architecture and landscape planning, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences | Vienna | 2012 - 2021
- bachelor
thesis at the Institute of Soil Bioengineering and Landscape
Construction (IBLB) | „Prüfung der Entflammbarkeit von Kletterpflanzen
am Kriterium des Verhaltens lebender Pflanzenteile bei kritischen
Temperaturen – ein Beitrag zum Thema Brandschutz bei Fassadenbegrünung“
- higher education entrance qualification with the honours
courses biology and english | humanistisch neusprachliches Gymnasium
Gars (GER) | 2002 - 2011
- ecological project manager, PR | nonprofit organisation: RGV - Regionale Gehölzvermehrung | Austria | 2023
- vegetational ecologist | Naturschutzbund Steiermark | Styria | 2020 - 2022
- scientific preliminary work | Werner Lampert Beratungsges.m.b.H. | Vienna | 2020
- vegetational ecologist | E.C.O. Institut für Ökologie | Carinthia | 2019
- ecologist | Naturrauminventur Nationalpark Donauauen | Österreichische Bundesforste | Vienna/Lower Austria | 2018 - 2019
- assistant manager | Naturpark Weißbach | Salzburg | 2018
Umwelt- und Kulturpraktikum (environmental and cultural internship) at Global2000 | Vienna | 2017- 2018
- permaculture internship at NaturSinne | Kampichl 60, 2871 Zöbern, Austria | 2017
- European Voluntary Service | Gražutes regioninis parkas | Lithuania | 2011
- Symposium “This Is Not a Glacier”: “Guilt-tripping on the loss of Wilderness: politics and nature conservation – relating to nature” | AIL, Vienna
- Vienna Art Week: “ECOLOGICAL TRANSFORMATION - WHATS THE POINT OF ART? - The impact of art in an age of ecological transformation in theory and with accompanying practical examples.” Paneldiscussions with the Futurama Lab | Vienna
- “Have you seen an Alien?” guestlecture at Akademie der Bildenden Künste | Vienna (AT)
- “Planting Territories” at the conference “Territory beyond state and property” | Bravos (ESP) | upcomming
- “Welcome in the Plastisphere” at THINK conference | Lehrforst Boku (AT) | upcomming
- “Umweltbeobachtungen im Hier und Jetzt und Morgen” - Art Science Hub workshop at Mittelschule Josef-Enslein-Platz | Vienna (AT) | 2023
- “How Aliens will save us from our Shit – A Walk along Shitty Shores of the Future” | KC Grad, Belgrad (SRB)| 2023
- talk on “Hibernating Further” (by Jaskaran Anand) | Europäische Theaternacht | Brunnenpassage Wien
- lecturer during MoA's Interdisciplinary Autumn School: “Frictioned Functionality. Un/Designing Un/Sustainable Matter” | HU Berlin,
Berlin (DE)
- assistant at the conference “Exhaust(ed) Entanglements - Overcoming the Auto-Self of the Anthropocene” at FU Berlin, Berlin (DE)
“Invasive Neobiota im Anthropozän” at “The unknOwn
unknOwns Festival – Mit Offener Wissenschaft und Innovation auf zu neuen
Welten!“ by innOsci
lecturer for the seminar “alien encounters and dark ecology” for the IPA (Institut für poetische Alltagsverbesserung) Linz
- “Monster: damals und heute - Von grünen Invasoren und ihrer ökologischen Bedeutung”, “Rotkäppchens Beutel” - Konferenz der Gesellschaft für Kulturpolitik Oberösterreich
- “Invasive walk - Alien species as actants in the climate crisis” at the THINK conference, Burg Wildegg (AT)
- postcoronal-lab: talk and performance on invasiveness during Parque del iSol, St. Pölten (AT)
Exhibitions & Performances
- “How Metal is Your Ecocide?” at Pragovka Gallery | Prague (CZ) | 25.7.-29.8.24
- “Seeds of Resistance” at groupshow “Esistenza Integrale” at Bildraum, Ankerbrotfabrik, Wien | 23.5.-16.6.
- “T.A.R. - Temporary Autonomous Region” as part of the Futurama°Lab hosted by Klima Biennale Wien | 6.4.- 14.7.24
- “This Is Not a Glacier - Thickening Description for Thinning Ice” groupshow at AIL, Vienna | 26.1.-2.2.24
- “Ruptured Shores, Plastic Beds” at Kunstverein Otto-Wagner-PSK | Vienna (AT) | Nov-Dec 2023
“Toxicoenosis” at Roter Salon, Volksbühne Berlin, Humanobiotop by POEM | Berlin (DE) | 14.10.2023
- “Toxicoenosis” at Angewandte Festival, Kassahalle, AIL | Vienna (AT) | 27.-30.6.23
- “Cold Burn” as part of “Licking Structures” (Groupshow) at Künstlerhaus | Vienna (AT) | 23.6.-2.7.23
- “Die letzte Waschung” at Salon Skug | Vienna (AT) | 2023
- “Toxic Temple” at Donaufestival “Beyond Human”| Krems (AT) | 2023
Groupshow „DOWNSTREAM #01“ | KC Grad, Belgrad (SRB) | 2023
- researcher and artist in residency at MS Fusion with “When Invasive Species Meet II” | 14.8.-10.10. | Danube
- “When Invasive Species Meet I” as part of “Angewandte Festival” |
28.6.-1.7. | Vienna (AT)
“When Invasive Species Meet I” as part of “From Here Through There” at Künstlerhaus |
3.6.-6.6. | Vienna (AT)
“Toxic Temple” at Angewandte Innovation Lab | 20.5.-23.5. | Vienna (AT)
- “Toxic Temple” Performance and book presentation at Hopscotch Reading Room | 8.5. | Berlin (DE)
- “Toxic Temple” at RaumD, Museumsquartier | 24.9.-26.9. | Vienna (AT)
- “ - Auto-aggression”, Performance at PU#29 - Hin Fort Bewegung | 21.8. | Vienna (AT)
“ - Die Letzte Waschung”, Peformance at PU#27 - Platz für Wien | 18.9. | Vienna (AT)
“Postcoronal Lab” as part of “Parque del iSOLation” | 3.8.-9.8. | St. Pölten (AT)
- “Producing the Afterlife” with Demi Spriggs in “Toxic Temple”, De Gruyter, by Anna Lerchbaumer and Kilian Jörg, 2022
- artist assistant for bioartist Theresa Schubert | Berlin | 2022
- proofreading and editing work | De Gruyter, freelancer | 2022
- editorial board | REISEN Magazin | Vienna | 2020
- STUTHE: board member of the organization of students’ theatre and performing arts | | 2013-2017; workshop host for performing and improvisational theatre | 2013 - ongoing