Project Archive
BANAP - 2020-2022
As a vegetational ecologist specialised in alien, invasive species I partake as such in the project “BANAP”, hosted by INTERREG. It‘s goal was to research the invasion of Solidago gigantea on various protected wet meadows. During the course of two years with two full vegetational cycles I monitored not only how Solidago gigantea spread, but had to assess different methods on how to get a hold of the invasion and keep the meadows in the preferred condition. Observations and work on 25 field squares, each 5x5 m in dimension provided data to prove that the most invasive methods (such as abraising the whole area in order to destroy the plants thoroughly) do more harm than good and the monitored species will endure any treatment. www.naturschutzbundsteiermark.at/banap.html
BISA - 2019
Biotope monitoring and mapping is an important basis for every other environmental project and the protection of environmentally valuable areas, as it provides all the relevant data and information of the mapped area. For this assignment I worked with the office of E.C.O. for the state of Salzburg. For this elicitation we used new, tablet-based technology, instantly digitalizing all data. The task was not only to recognize and correctly catalogue all biotope types, define all the plants within it and take measurements, but also talking to the locals and land owners to gather further information about the measures taken by them.
Naturrauminventur Nationalpark Donauauen - 2018-2019
Nature-inventory is a specific kind of longterm-monitoring (repeated every ten years). A pattern of hundreds of inventory check spots delivers data which, after analysis, uncovers the changes and evolution of the Nationalpark Donauauen of decades. Over the timespan of six wintermonths we collected quantitaive and qualitative data from the tree stratum, shrub stratum and herbaceous layer, evaluated vegetal diseases and other damages like nutritional traces, walling or mechanical damage. Moreover nesting, rosting and resting sites were recorded as well as deer crossings and other paths and alien species.
Deputy leader Naturpark Weißbach - 2018
While I was part of a numberous research projects during my six months in the natural preserve Weißbach, I want to emphasize one project especially, as it led to the declaration of a mountain forest as a protective forest. Over the course of one month me and my colleague from Boku spent our time collecting data in the wild forest, which has been mostly untouched by forestry for the last 200 years. The work required a high ability to withstand physical and mental stress at the same time, as the time pressure to finish the project was enourmous and the terrain almost impassable. Little thinks depend on even smaller steps sometimes. Today we are proud to keep the forest as untouched as it is. Furthermore I was responsible for the environmental education program of the park and hosted several events, covering all kind of nature conservatory subjects, intensive workshops about pollinators and courses and excursions for schools and kindergardens. Two intensive workshops, each lasting a week, took place in cooperation with the Alpenverein: „Umweltbaustelle“ and „Bergwaldproject“, which I both coordinated and led. The participants were e.g. tought on how to build a bridge, clearing alpine pastures from shrubs to keep them open or restoring habitats for the endangered Apollo butterfly in tricky terrain. A renaturalization program at a local river shore sparked my interest for the unwanted species. The daily business working in the park involved giving almost daily tours through different areas of the park on topics such as alpine geomorphology, ravine forests and in genereal alpine biotopes, so I already learned to test and vary different styles of communicating ecological and scientific topics.
NaturSinne - 2017
During summer 2017 I had the possibility to be the lead landscaping designer of an area of 3,5 hectare in lower Austria, to be transformed into a permaculture. The are is nowadays known as Kloster NaturSinne and a recreational place. My work included not only drawing and providing the plans, which included several retention pools, hill patches, paddocks and more, but also work hands on and expand my handicraft skills. From cutting the trees, to bark peeling to actually building on the set we were all equally involved. The tea consisted of twelve students, a professional wood worker, an experienced permaculture farmer and the owner of the land. We planted and built everthing we could in one summer, but the last pools were only finished the following year. Nowadays the Kloster NaturSinne can provide their guests vegetables and fruit from their own land only.
Bachelor Thesis - 2017
Due to our constant climate change and it’s effect on the cities, there is a need to take certain steps in order to slow down the heating of the cities. One of those steps is greening facades, as this has several proven positive effects on the microclimate. With my bachelor thesis I tested if and under which circumstances a fire hazard would come from the most common used climbing plants for facade greeening. The certain temperatures under which the seperate parts of the plants are incinerating were tested and compared, as well as the duration that the plants have to be exposed to this temperatures. The aim of the work was to contribute to the discussion on possible fire hazards and fire safety in climbing plants as a facade greening. Therefore, seven representative climbers were tested and evaluated.
The finished thesis was used as a reference within the discussion of the current UHIstrategy-plan for Vienna.
STUTHE - 2012 - ongoing
STUTHE is a non-profit organization for performning arts and theater. We help realizing all kinds of projects and plays and host several events and workshops throughout the year. At STUTHE all levels of skill meet and learn from each other. Since 2012 I am one of the weekly workshop-hosts for our open improvisational theater
workshops. In 2013 I was part of the managing committee and continued my work in this role until 2017. During my time in the committee I supported and cared for our artists, curated plays and bands, managed public relations, supervised, coordinated and much more. All the plays I coordinated, supported and assisted can be viewed here in the archives (years 2013-2017). But the project I want to emphasize the most here are the festivals of TDKK („Tage der künstlerischen Kommunikation“). The festivals were hosted by STUTHE and were open by anybody to join in, making it possible to experience a huge variete, containing all branches of the STUTHE network. The first TDKK took place at F23, the second edition in Brick5. Apart from celebrating events and plays, my work behind the scenes involved also lots of applications for financial grants, managing ressources of all kind and pulling cooperations on board. After all this time I left the intense involvement with STUTHE behind, but am still involved with workshops or on-demand-project assistation to this day.
EVS - 2011
I procured a spot in the european voluntary service program and was welcomed to realize my own projects within the project itself. Such as a european youth exchange with four participating countries over the duration of one week, hosted in the natural preserve Gražutės, during which the participants built an environmentally inspired educational trail. Over the course of one year I also organized and hosted several workshops and (inclusive) summercamps covering all kind of topics of flora and fauna of the lakeside. The environmental education program I ran also included microscoping workshops and
interactive presentations in the visitor center. My daily work involved a lot of maintenance and development of the trails and infrastructure of the park (clearing the land and water trails from trash and fallen trees, signposting trails, bringing GPSroutes up to date etc.) as well as the parks management programme and it‘s nesccessary measures - especially keeping the swamps open from reforestation. The long- and short-term monitorings such as landscape monitoring, elk population monitoring, orchid monitoring in wetlands and swamps, avifauna monitoring in the park and it‘s borderland taught me a wholistic understanding of the local ecosystems.